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my Gita1 Page

Learning about C#

About Page (9/3/21)

In this project, we learned how to design a form using buttons, picture box, and label. We also explored how to change object's properties such as font-style and its sizes.

Mailing Label (9/9/21)

In this project, we created mailing program that takes user input and generates a mailing label based on given data. This program can also clear the input and change properties of the generating ouput.

Car Rental (9/20/21)

This is a windows form on which user enters information in the textbox about a car rental, and then it will generate a bill based upon user's input.

Body Mass Index (9/23/21)

User enters his physical data like height (ft/in) and weight (lb) then the program calculates and print out BMI. It stores previous data to find the average BMI of all users.

Car Rental Upgrade (10/1/21)

Upgrade version of the previous Car Rental program but added options for different cars (all various car rental price), additional components, and car/manager stat to analyze data.

Test Score (10/6/21)

This program collects data from two test score to find the higher score and grade level for each. Unfortunately I forgot add average calculation.

Dice Game (10/14/21)

A program which rolls 2 dice. The form will roll the dices at the same time with graphic for both. Will show the sum of the 2 dice, keep track of how many rolls, and calculate the probability of getting each sum (based on the data).

Craps Game (10/20/21)

This is a program which plays a Craps game at Vegas.

Slot Machine (10/28/21)

This is a slot machine program... You get money if you win.

My Store (11/9/21)

A program that simulate an order calculator for a store. Takes multiple orders from customer(s) and display the order price and the final total price. Have to confirm its order before moving onto the next. Able to create a summary for the stat of the days’ sales.

Rock Paper Scissor (11/17/21)

2 player ROCK PAPER SCISSOR game.

Fish Tank (12/8/21)

The first prototpye for animation(?) in Gita1. Uses random number integer generator for initial location of the fish. Then timer function moves the fish in certain speed to right or left.

2D Fish Tank (1/5/22)

Introducing Two-dimensional coordination. The fish still moves in timer but now it can go up, down, left, right, and all 4 diagonals.

2D Fish Tank Upgrade (1/12/22)

Upgrade version of 2D Fish Tank. Shark is added.

Tic Tac Toe (1/19/22)

Just Tic Tac Toe Just Tic Tac Toe Just Tic Tac Toe Just Tic Tac Toe Just Tic Tac Toe Just Tic Tac Toe Just Tic Tac Toe Just Tic Tac Toe

N! (1/27/22)

Prints 5 different calculations with 1 user input.

Basic AI (2/16/22)

IRS AI... He will find you... and TAX you!!

Basic AI Upgrade (2/23/22)

Added more functionality to the previous program like heart HP, countdown timer, and pause button.

Fishing Simulator (3/3/22)

Managing multiple picture boxes using array variable and for loop to move them.

Fishing Simulator Upgrade (3/18/22)

Upgraded: added more objects and shark eating fishes. (personally I like this project the most)

Bees Simulator (4/4/22)

Start use List over Array obeject because List can create as I want other than initialize them before running or adding them during running.

Final Project - So Strong Human (5/25/22)

My final project